
Update- Where's the time gone? & the Wedding dress blues

It has been a busy yet productive couple weeks!  Jared and I have really started taking action on the wedding planning. We filled out our wedding packet, met with our wedding coordinator, and have started brainstorming on the stuff we still need to do.  A couple weeks ago, I looked at a calendar and counted the months we have until the wedding and realized it's not as long as I'd thought.  We're getting married in October so that only leaves us a little more than 6 months.  We got engaged over a year ago and decided we'd give ourselves plenty of time to save for the wedding and for the planning.  It's been pretty relaxed because the wedding always seemed so far away but now it's started to hit me that it's right around the corner.
The thing I'm most nervous about is the dress. No, I haven't gotten one yet.  I didn't think it was a big deal but the past two weeks several people stare at me in disbelief when I say I haven't picked one out.  I wasn't planning to until the end of May.  I don't have anything in mind, just that I'm leaning towards trying to get something at Alfred Angelo because I want to look at the Disney dresses and also the other dresses there because I like what I've seen in pictures and on the website. A coworker got a dress from there and she recently told me she loved it and really recommended Alfred Angelo.  (She looked amazing in it too!)  That just further got me set on going to one of their stores.

The one thing that is keeping me from going and getting one right now though is that I really and I mean really want to go with my mom and my sisters.  They live in Texas and I'm in California so to make this happen there's a little more work involved.  I was planning on visiting in May and looking then but now I'm wondering if I should go sooner?  I was going to look with them and see what I like and then order the dress here in California.
So yeah, the wedding dress is the big challenge for me right now and the whole thing feels like it's looming over me.  Honestly I'm not big on clothes shopping of any kind so I'm also a bit nervous about the whole thing and not as excited as other people might be.
On a happy note though, all the other planning is going great!  I've got several posts planned talking about some of the things we've been able to decide and accomplish the past few weeks so stay tuned!


  1. The Alfred Angelo dresses are my favorites. My wedding dress was one. I just wish I had the option of the Disney ones when I got married 3 years ago.

  2. Don't worry about the dress. It's not really a big deal (seriously) The most important thing is that you FEEL sensational in it on your wedding day!
